Friday, December 24, 2010


They sold everything. They packed up their lives, and they moved. Halfway around the world. The area of the city represents over 100 nations. And no churches. Five adults and two kids left two months ago to remind this city that Jesus loves them, and to call them into relationship with him.
It’s been filled with language learning and community building. Trying to understand culture, and trying to stay warm. There’s a housing shortage in Hamburg, which makes it difficult to find a place to call home. Earlier this month, Jason relayed this message: “I would love to have stories of signs and wonders...people being raised from the dead - ya know. But our story is more...pray, try to find a place to live - get rejected. Then we wake up and ask our selves, "what will we do today?"....more of the same. “
We’ve been celebrating this last week as they were finally able to secure housing. It’s not exactly what they hoped for, but it is a reminder that God does provide.
To stay connected with what God is doing in Hamburg, text "Follow HamburgUGVox" to the number 40404.

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