Friday, December 31, 2010

At the Well.

At the Well.
It’s a new micro-church. They’ve spent months preparing. Listening to God. Preparing their home. Meeting new people. They were ready to launch in January, but a call came early. After a day of celebrating Christmas with their family, John and Jane Stephens received a phone call from a woman they were expecting to see in January, but she was all alone and asked if she come to the Well. Their response was enthusiastic: Of course, we’ve been waiting!”
So it begins. A family on a journey to show the extravagant love and care of Jesus to some women who need it the most. They are searching to learn more about the grace God extends to us, and they are ready to extend that grace to the women they will live in community with. Their prayer for these women is to see Jesus, and once they are untangled from the grip of abuse, they find freedom to love and pursue God completely.
There are still some steps to be ready. They need some electrical work done for the safety of those who will live in this community. Meeting with a lawyer. Continuing relationships with women. The new year will bring many changes, and they are waiting with anticipation of this next year, and all the ways they will encounter God as a community

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