Friday, December 24, 2010

Deeply Rooted

Deeply Rooted.
Their mission is committed to young girls aging out of the foster care system. One of the leaders, April, recently shared this testimony:
This past semester, we have talked about true beauty, identity and worth, goals, cooking basics, basic first aid/cpr, going to college and other life paths. We have enjoyed guest speakers, had a college tour, and also encountered God's word and love. At Jesus Encounter we had one girl decide to follow Jesus and was baptized. The other girl who was there is also following Jesus and is serious about studying the Bible. We have begun to use the Discovery Bible Study method where the girls themselves will lead the bible discussions. We are learning as we go. It has been great so far to be able to go over some different life topics and look forward to more in the springs semester (love, sex, and relationships, job applications/interviews, money management, knowing yourself, communication and so much more.) I think we all agree, though, that it is more about the community that is being developed that has been most life changing and rewarding for us and the young women. We rejoice more over the young women coming to know Jesus and for them to be deeply rooted in his love, as well as knowing and trusting in God as their Father and his people as their family. Some of the girls have said they have not been this close to anyone else before. According to a survey we recently did, the young women said they love knowing there are people they can confide in; they feel welcome and at home here; they want more people to come and more time with one another. We long for more, too.

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