Wednesday, December 05, 2007

how can I join the network?

Some people have asked us about how they can become a part of the network so we wanted to put something together to respond.

The Underground Network is a relational network and at its very core is about friendship. There is no formal application process it is simply about connecting people doing ministry around the world who share similar values. Having said that, if you are interested in pursuing being a part of the network, we have put together some steps for you to further your relationship with us and become a part of the network.

1. Read through the five core network values to learn more about who we are. If your heart is moved to grow a church or ministry that reflects those values than we want to know you.

2. Connect. Reach out and start a dialogue with us or meet in person with one of our network partners. We believe lasting ministry is not built on goals but on relationships so we want to know you.

3. Come to an Underground event. Attend our annual Underground Conference or quarterly conversation and spend time meeting others in the network. Invite Brian or Mike to speak at one of your events or come to Tampa to spend time with us.

4. Make a decision about your involvement in the network. Spend some time discerning whether you want to join us in the network.

5. Make a formal request to Brian either personally or through a letter requesting your desire to be a part of the network.

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